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Scott Sub Sport 10 Lady Bike

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Sub Sport 6061 Tig welding

Frame Sub Sport 6061 Tig welding
Fork Suntour NRX-D Air / lockout
Rear Derailleur Shimano XT-T8000 10 Speed
Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-T6000
Shifters Shimano Deore SL-T6000
Crankset Shimano FC-T8000 Black 48x36x26T
Bottom Bracket Included with crankset
Chain KMC X10
Cassette Shimano CS-HG500-10 11-34T
Chain Device Shimano BL-M200
Brake Levers Shimano BL-M200
Brakes Shimano BR-M200
Aerobar Shimano BL-M200
Handlebars Syncros 3.0 680mm Rise: 12 mm, Backsweep: 15, 31.8
Stem Syncros UC3.0 adjustable
Seat Post Syncros UC3.0 / 31.6mm
Saddle Selle Royal Essenza w Superfabric
Headset GW semi integrated
Front Hub Shimano Deore DH-3D37 dynamo CL 32h
Rear Hub Shimano FH-M3050 32H CL QR * BLACK
Spokes Pillar Steel 14G
Rims X15 Disc, 32h
Rear Tire Schwalbe Road Cruiser 700x47c
Lights Front: Axa Compactline 35 / Rear: Axa
Rack Racktime Standit w/ spring clamp / Curana extruded wide fender / Ursus Mooi kickstand
Pedals Syncros SP-827
Sizes L, M, S
Brand Scott
Model Year 2021
Barcodes 7615523136964, 7615523136971, 7615523136988
SKUs / Part Numbers 280813L, 280813M, 280813S

Please note: Manufacturers can sometimes change the specification of the products from time to time.

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